Pedagogical Toolkit
Learning Strategies in the Classroom:
Think Aloud
This strategy will be important throughout the course of the year. I would like to use this tool more during the beginning of the year, because it will be a good tool for modeling thinking about art. I can use this strategy to show students how I interact and make connections with an art piece, which in term will help them to begin doing the same.
Think Pair Share
While using this strategy, I would begin with students using the Talking to the Text strategy. making notes about an artwork or a reading. Then I would have them pair up with one other student to discuss what they thought about the piece of media they consumed and examined. Then after exploring each others ideas they would share with the class what they thought about. This tool can help me to introduce students to new perspectives and support them in exploring the WHY? of their own thinking.
Questioning/ ReQuest
Questioning and using other strategies such as ReQuest will help me to encourage students to participate in class discussions about text. Inquiry is an important part of understanding art, so encouraging and giving students the opportunity to support one another in this type of forum is something that I would like to implement in my classroom. This also helps to students to be reminded of information that they read and allows them to explore different perspectives.
Schema Building:
List Inquire Note Know: This strategy will be useful in understanding students' schemas on any topic, (media, artistic era, text, artwork etc.) while also opening up classroom dialogue for students to begin having conversations with one another about what information is being introduced and explored.
This strategy will be important because it will help students to understand and think about their own prior knowledge to any given artwork or any media that we might encounter and learn about in class. The three prompt questions: What do you KNOW? What do you WANT to know? What did you LEARN? will be useful because my students and I will be able to understand prior knowledge, needs for any class activity, and what information was received and understood after exploring an artwork or a text.
Love your infographic, Marley! Great strategies that you can model for your students and implement easily. If students can internalize these strategies (after you model them and they practice them), their comprehension and reading skills will improve substantially.